Saturday, July 24, 2010

Dumbo Gets a Lesson in Stewardship

Our New Garden Hose

Our most mentally challenged member noticed last summer that the garden hose next to the kitchen steps was on its last legs--but of course he didn't do anything about it. Today, as he stumbled around the church yard, he noticed a brand new hose and got to thinking about it in terms of stewardship...and his own deficiencies in that regard.

The new garden hose didn't get there by accident. How did it happen?

First was observation. Someone was aware of his or her surroundings and noticed a change in the environment. In this case, they noticed that the old church hose was past it's sell by date. Second, he or she had knowledge about "who to see" or who to get permission from in order to replace the hose. It is possible that they simply acted independently and made an on the spot assessment and applied corrective action. But in either case, they knew who to see, or what was an acceptable action. Third, they cared enough to want to improve a situation or thing so, finally and fourth, they acted and replaced the old hose.

"Why didn't Dumbo," he asked himself, "replace the hose?" He summarized the problem and decided that stewardship involves:

  1. Observation
  2. Knowledge (of who to see or what to do)
  3. Care
  4. Action

"In my case," Dumbo concluded, "I didn't know that it was okay to just go ahead and replace the hose. I lacked knowledge of what is allowed and not allowed."

Dumbo finished stumbling about, but felt right smart. He understood that in the future he needed to 1) be a better observer of what is around him; 2) to learn more about the approval process--who to see and who to ask; 3) to care more, and more effectively, and; 4) to take action and "git it done."

So: Whoever replaced the old garden hose, THANK YOU. You are a good steward.

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