Saturday, October 3, 2009

God's Call - Our Moment Sermon

Sermon by Judy Turner

Luke 5:1-11

Our Fear That Nothing Will Change

As I meditated on this passage, the words that most invited my attention were Jesus’ words to Simon after the miraculous catch of fish, “Don’t be afraid, from now on you will catch men.” Jesus knows their fears. First, He saw the fear of the discouraged fishermen that nothing would change. They had fished all night without results. As they thought about the next night, would they have the same frustrating experience? And the next night? What would that mean for their livelihood? How would they pay their bills? And He knows our fears. Sometimes we are discouraged with the way things are and fear they will never change: will the tedium and frustrations of our jobs continue forever? Will our marriage and family relationships ever get better, or will it be the same struggle and stress day after day? Will classes at school always seem boring and irrelevant, and will we always be stuck with the same social group at school, or always feel like we don’t have friends? Sometimes we are discouraged and fear things will never change.

Our Fear That Things Will Change!

Oh, but we humans are strange creatures. When God starts moving in our lives and we see new possibilities opening up, and our comfortable world is about to be rocked, then we get afraid that things will change. At least our routines, frustrating, discouraging, or even painful though they may be, are familiar. But when God starts moving and things are shifting around us, we become afraid that things WILL change. Have I told you the story of the Christian who visited every week in the nursing home? Bill was faithful, had been going to the nursing home for years. He would talk with people and offer prayer. He’d never really seen anything happen in response to his prayer for people, and didn’t really expect to see anything happen. But truthfully, he was feeling a little bored with this routine of going to the nursing home, wondered if it really meant much to anybody, afraid he couldn’t just keep going through the motions week after week. One day, he actually prayed before he went that his visit would be different this time. He went to Ruth’s room. “How are you feeling today?” “Oh, Bill, I just feel so bad today. I have such pain in my legs I haven’t been able to get out of bed.” Bill took her hand and prayed, “Lord, relieve the pain in Ruth’s leg and strengthen her so she can get out of bed.” Ruth got this amazed look on her face and said, “I can’t believe it! I don’t feel the pain any more. “ Next thing Bill knew, Ruth had jumped out of bed and was practically dancing around the room. Well, Bill became uncomfortable, even afraid. Something was going on here he hadn’t expected and didn’t know how to deal with. He got out of there as quickly as he could, hurried to his car, got in, shut the door, put his head on the steering wheel and said, “God, don’t ever do that to me again!”

When God Starts Moving, Our Worlds Change!

We’re afraid things will never change. When God starts moving and things start shifting, we may become even more afraid that things will change! We understand why Simon was afraid. He had experienced a mind-blowing revelation of how big God is, yet how close and real and involved God is in his life.
His eyes were opened to who this man Jesus really was – The holy, magnificent, all-powerful God. Everything was at His command. Jesus had only to say the word- and all those fish jumped into the nets. In the presence of the Holy, Simon felt undone, he felt so unworthy. His automatic response was to say, “Get away from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man.” I see an amused smile on Jesus’ face as He looks at the fear-filled Simon and I hear love in his voice as he says, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will catch men.” In a moment, Simon’s world has changed. Jesus has invited Simon to come and learn how to do life from Him, to be His disciple, to share in His work to get to know God intimately. Was Simon still afraid, even after Jesus told him not to be? You may have a different opinion, but I believe Simon was still very human, which means to feel some fear of the unknown. What would life be like now, as he followed Jesus? He probably had no idea. But Simon had Jesus’ word that his life would have a new purpose- he would be “catching men” – helping people know God and enter “the Kingdom of God”, that whole new realm of experience where a good and loving God is in charge!

John and I had dreamed and prayed for so many years of a ministry of mentoring people who want to grow in their faith and serve Christ more effectively. We were afraid it would never be possible. Then came the miraculous answer- the offer of a friendly loan to purchase a place and get started! That was something only God could do, and we knew it. I spent a couple of days rejoicing over answered prayer. Then I really felt scared. Now that the door had opened, we had to walk through it. We had to give up secure income, sell a house, move, start a ministry from scratch. What would that be like? I had no idea, and I felt afraid. I’d preached for years that although we feel fear, we can choose to move forward in faith. Then God gives us the strength and courage to walk into the unknown, knowing that He is in charge and He will bring about what is best for us.
Those situations you’ve been praying about in your life- when God moves, you will probably feel afraid. But what will you choose to do? Will you make the necessary changes in your life to move forward with God?

Will We Choose To Move Forward With God?

As a congregation we are seeking God’s direction for our future. Our Mission/Vision Team and Prayer Team are leading the process. Many of you have participated in Coffee and Conversation Gatherings and responded to a draft of a Mission Statement, a Vision Statement, a Plan. You have shared your ideas and made valuable contributions. Today after worship we have the final conversation.
The vision of our congregation becoming a significant force for positive change in our community as we help people of all ages come to Christ, grow in Christ-likeness, and serve Christ in practical ways. We Build a Community of Hope in Jesus Christ as we strengthen families, expand children and youth ministries, find ways of living that are less stressful and free time and energy for serving Christ. Then we form and support mission teams of people in our congregation who respond to God’s call to make a difference- some examples of what these mission teams might do: provide repair service for homes of elderly people, build a hospital in Mexico, care for creation, work for better livelihoods for more people in Carroll County. And the vision includes growth – more people and more resources to be able to really make a difference and build this community of hope. How have we responded to this vision of where God may be leading our congregation? One faithful and honest person put into words what I think people (including John and me) are feeling. She said, “I feel both excited and scared.”

The Process of Moving Forward With God

Henry Blackaby who wrote “Experiencing God says, “God is always at work around you. God pursues a continuing love relationship with you that is real and personal. God invites you to become involved with Him in His work. God speaks by the Holy Spirit through the Bible, prayer, circumstances, and the church to reveal Himself, His purposes, and His ways. God’s invitation for you to work with Him always leads you to a crisis of belief that requires faith and action. You must make major adjustments in your life to join God in what He is doing. You come to know God by experience as you obey Him and He accomplishes His work through you.” When God is in a vision for the future, the vision is God-sized, something only God can do. Of course, we wonder how it can possibly come to be, we feel fear. We can choose to act on our fears and retreat into the safety of the known, or just plant our feet in the way we’ve always done things and say, “I’m not going anywhere.” Or we can act in faith, despite our fears and say, “God, I’m moving with you, whatever it takes. What is the next step you want me to take? Help me adjust my life to what you’re doing so you can work through me. I don’t want to miss your moment.

What We Really Believe About God

Blackaby says, “ When the invitation from God comes, when you’re in the crisis of belief, what you do next reveals what you really believe about God. When the invitation from God comes, when you’re in the crisis of belief, what you do next reveals what you really believe about God.”

A guest in a home noticed a very old gun, a musket, displayed over the fireplace. He asked his hostess about the gun. She proudly said, “It belonged to my great, great, great grandfather who lived during the time of the American Revolution.
My ancestor believed in freedom and always kept his musket ready. “Oh, said the guest. He must have fought in some important battles.” “Actually no” said the woman. He never fired the gun. He always kept it ready and he believed in freedom, but he didn’t think much of General Washington’s rebellion.”
He missed the moment. When the time came to act on what he had been hoping for, maybe praying for, he didn’t really think much of the leader. So he chose to just stay right where he was. He missed the opportunity to take part in one of the most important events in human history.

Simon Peter made a different choice. When the moment came, and Jesus said, “Don’t be afraid. From now on, you will be catching men.” Simon and his companions showed what they really thought of Jesus and His ability to guide them, provide for them, give their lives significance. They demonstrated faith in action. They left everything – boats, nets, fish, families – and followed Jesus

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