Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Summer of Expansion

Sunday, August 9, we dedicated the expanded and renovated youth ministries space in the former telephone office west of the church. Scott and Amanda Frame continue as leaders of the Wednesday evening program. They will be joined by Eddie Keever who will also lead the Sunday morning youth program.

When we arrived Sunday, August 23, we found the work nearing completion on opening up the chancel area (the front of the sanctuary) so that there will be more flexible space for worship dramas, musical presentations, and the like.

Then, following the morning worship, the Board voted unanimously to devote the former Cornerstone building to children's ministry. Dave and Jill Stice will lead Sunday morning and Wednesday evening sessions there. Many of you have offered pledges of additional giving to cover the loss of rental income from that building.

Moving the children to the Cornerstone building frees the present children's space (adjacent to the youth space in the old telephone office) to be revamped for middle school space. We are just beginning to think about how we will best utilize this opportunity.

In the meantime, your Mission/Vision Task Force and their Prayer Support Team are at work contemplating where we are heading together. Soon, you will be invited to offer your feedback and input to their initial thoughts. We are looking for a God-sized vision with practical steps. Talk about expanding!

I believe that we are seeing God at work in our midst and that all of this is adding up to something good. Let's see what God will do next!

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