Off to a Splendid Start!
FCC Farm Manager Kari Keever has kept close tabs on her gardeners and all of the beds are in good shape, generally weed free and bustling with healthy plants. The sunshine of last week came in the nick of time and the dry weather allowed folks time to lay down mulch. The mulch will keep the weeds under control and help retain moisture.
Marcie Brewster of Wildfire Farms has agreed to donate 20 heirloom tomato plants, including some Russian and Cherokee Purples: look to see them go in sometime midweek. These plants will, according to Kari, go into the single bed that isn't currently under production.
The Loaves and Fishes plot looks especially productive and the beds are immaculate. Hats off to Loretta Tanner for her diligence and special kudos to Connie O'Toole who is a prodigious weeder.
The following poem, by anonymous, sums up the tender mercies of this past week:
Thank you for my garden Lord, and for each tiny seed
That sprouts and blooms so beautifully to feel my soul's true need
Thank you for the pleasure, Lord, I find here on bended knee
For my garden's glory surely is a blessing sent from thee
I am happy that you have started this garden and I like it that you have the kids involved. Working outside a little bit is good for them and I think they are learning some important things. Keep up the good work.