Sermon by Judy Turner
JOHN 21:1-14
Everything Changes When Jesus Shows Up
This story begins as Peter and some other followers of Jesus decide to go fishing. We don’t know what’s in their minds. But I see they are in major transition in their lives, and I imagine they are feeling some confusion about what they should do next. They know by now that Jesus is risen from the dead. But he comes and goes in that resurrected body. They may be gathered for dinner, and there he is suddenly. He talks with them, eats with them, and then he just as mysteriously disappears. They know their lives are going to be different now, without his constant physical presence. They know they will still live as his followers. They just don’t know how, or what that will be like. I imagine they are at loose ends. Peter, never one for just sitting around, says, “I’m going fishing.” At least they can always go back to what they did before they met Jesus. They know how to fish. We can only imagine what went through their minds as they let down those nets over and over through the long night and the nets always came back empty. It must have been perplexing and discouraging for them.
But, about daybreak, Jesus shows up. Have you noticed that it makes all the difference when Jesus shows up? It can be as simple as puzzling over a problem in your life, not seeing the way through. Then you pray. A new possibility dawns, a solution you hadn’t been able to see. It’s like Jesus is saying, “Why don’t you try doing it this way?” Or maybe your spiritual life has just been dry. You’re not sensing God’s presence much. And you cry out to God, “I’m missing you! Please draw me closer.” Then maybe you pick up your Bible and it’s like Jesus is highlighting words just for you. Or maybe you’re talking with a Christian friend, and you hear in the friend’s words just what you needed to hear! Jesus is there speaking to you through that friend. Or maybe you feel discouraged as his follower. You know you are to be a “fisher of people”, loving and influencing people toward Christ. But it seems like you haven’t even been able to put in a word for God recently. So you ask Jesus to use you in making his love real for somebody. And before you even realize what’s happening, you’re talking with somebody at work about spiritual things. It’s as if Jesus is right there, and joy flows through you again.
Jesus is always with us. He has promised. But what we’re talking about is greater awareness of his presence. He shows up when we’re seeking Him and paying attention. He shows up when we are worshipping, studying, praying together. He shows up when we are putting in a good word for God or wanting to make God’s love real for people through acts of compassion and kindness. He shows up when we are working to make life better for the poor and oppressed. As we put into practice The 9 Ways of Spiritual Growth, we experience Jesus showing up more and more in our daily lives.
Jesus also shows up in his great mercy when we are in great need. I’ve had one of those long nights. I’ll bet you have too. One of the longest nights was in a hospital in San Antonio, Texas, as I walked the lonely corridors. We’d brought my mother into the emergency room the night before. Now the doctors said because of a flesh-eating virus, she would probably not make it through the night. It was so shocking, so unexpected, and I struggled to pray or just feel God’s presence. “I know you’ve promised to always be with me, but where are you, Lord?” About daybreak, the people from my mother’s church came in and filled the intensive care waiting room where my dad and I sat. They prayed for us, and as there was a moment of revelation when I looked into their faces, and I saw the Lord, right there, tangibly present in his body. My mother miraculously recovered from that illness, but even if she hadn’t, I received a revelation I will never forget. Jesus showed up, and when Jesus shows up, it makes all the difference.
I know there are some for whom Mother’s day brings sadness, those who have lost their mothers, or mother’s who have lost children through death or illness or alienation. If you have a great need for God this morning, know you have a great God for all your need. He comes the closest when we need Him the most, when we know we need Him. Jesus showing up makes all the difference and turns emptiness into fullness, despair into hope, futility into fruitfulness, frustration into fulfilment.
Everything Depends on Our Faith and Obedience
Everything changes when Jesus shows up. And everything depends on our responding in faith to him. Jesus stood on that shore and gave them instructions about how to fulfill their purpose. “Throw your nets on the right side of the boat,” he said. And there were results – 153 of them! But we know the point of this story was not to catch a lot of fish. The point was for the followers of Jesus to learn to act in faith and obedience when he spoke. Jesus still speaks to his followers today. When we respond in faith and obedience and do what he says, he will fulfill his purpose in our lives and there will be kingdom results. We may not see those results as immediately as the disciples did in this story. The results may look different than we thought, and we may not recognize them immediately as God at work through our faith and obedience. But our actions in faith and obedience make a difference. I read in a commentary on this passage, “Don’t seek results first and foremost- seek obedience. God’s results will follow.”
Jesus Leads Us and Feeds Us
Jesus showed up one morning on the beach. He made all the difference to those disciples. He reminded them that they were called to be fishers of people – to make God’s love so real to people that they would be caught up into a wonderful new reality of God’s forgiveness and leadership in their lives. He reminded them that they could make a difference in the lives of people. If that seemed a little intimidating, he reminded them by the miraculous catch of fish that his resources were more than adequate to get the job done. And then, he invited them to have breakfast with him. Can you imagine how satisfying that breakfast was? How great it was just to sit around that fire and talk with Jesus?
A group of young campers followed their counselor in the dark. He woke them up a couple of hours before dawn, not telling them exactly where they were going- just that he had a wonderful destination for them. He walked ahead with a flashlight. Each camper held a flashlight and put their feet where the light was shining. Thus, each step led them closer to their destination, even though they didn’t know exactly where their destination was. Their path led up a hill and to a cleared area where there were already logs laid for a fire. The counselor lit the fire, and the campers warmed themselves as the sun rose, revealing the most beautiful panorama of fields and forests and streams. Then they smelled bacon as the counselor started cooking their breakfast over the camp fire. They all talked about how it was the most wonderful breakfast they had ever had! The counselor said, “I wanted to have you experience something about what it is to follow Jesus. Often we don’t know exactly where he is leading us, but we follow him because we love him and trust him. Sometimes we can only see the next step, but as we take that step, we grow closer to him and he can work through us to really make a difference according to his plan and purpose. But not only does he lead us. He feeds us. I cooked breakfast for you, because I love you. It was something I could give you. Jesus can give you so much more. He gives you himself, and that satisfies your soul like nothing else can. "
Jesus is here in this sanctuary this morning to lead us and feed us. He satisfies our heart’s truest desires and deepest longings. Is anybody hungry?
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