On Wednesday, March 11th, First Christian Church Berryville begins "Listening to God" a weekly series to explore God's message to us through a spiritual practice called Lectio Divina, or Divine Reading.
Lectio Divina is an early church practice of spiritual reading and prayer for the purpose of helping create closer communion with God the Father, Christ His Son, and the Holy Spirit, and to increase our knowledge of God's will and His purpose for our lives.
In 1150, a Carthusian (Trappist) monk named Guigo II wrote a book titled The Monk's Ladder. There, he described Lectio Divina as a four rung practice comprised of reading, meditation, prayer, and contemplation. Today, monastic communities still follow this old practice.
To learn more about how you can incorporate this effective and spiritually fulfilling practice into your life, call Rev. Judy Turner at 479 253 864.
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