Regular Worship/Study Events
Sunday School...9:30 AM
Fellowship...10:30 AM
Worship...11:00 AM
Sunday Evening Bible Study...6:00 PM
Regular Events
Knitting Group...Wednesday, 2:00 PM
Choir Practice...Wednesday, 7:00 PM
CYF, Youth Supper...Wednesday, 5:30 PM
Ministry Council Meeting, Second Sunday every even month
Board Meeting, Second Sunday, every odd month
Elder's Meeting, Fourth sunday, every month, 8:00 AM
Elder's Breakfast, March 29th, 8:00 AM
Mexican Dinner (Stice Family Mission Trip) 5:00 PM, March 29th
April Birthdays celebrated during Fellowship time. Cake provided by Lonna Riley. 10:30 AM
Palm Sunday worship with Easter Cantata, April 5th, 11:00 AM
Good Friday Services, 7:00 PM, April 10th. Community Invited.
Easter Sunrise Service at Pioneer Park (Alt. Presbyterian Church) April 12th
Pot Luck Breastfast following Easter Sunday Sunrise Service. Please bring a dish. Everyone invited.
If you have a prayer request for someone in the church family, or in your immediate family, that you would like to send through the Church E-Mail Network, send your request to: John Turner: john@christviewmin.org.
The Mexican dinner was fun, and the Stices report of their mission trip to Mexico was very moving. Judy