Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Lord Giveth...

Deader than Lincoln's mother.

"The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away" Job says (1:21). He wasn't thinking specifically about our Community Garden's tomato plants but his general principle has held true. Fourteen fairly mature plants bit the dust this week from a combination of a whitefly infestation and a home remedy gotten from a local organic farmer who--well--maybe got his recipe mixed up.

This afternoon we'll pull the old plants out and pop in some new ones. Sadly, the new plants won't be from local seeds but time is, as so often in gardening, of the essence. If we want 'maters in a few weeks we'd better hustle.

We'll also do some weeding. One of the Community Gardeners finds weeding an excellent form of meditation on his sins and character flaws. Each weed represents a malefaction past and, regrettably, not so past, and each successful weed pull a repatriation of a sort. Lots of weeds; lots of pulling.

On a happy note the plants in the Little Sprouts Garden are healthy, robust, and as lively as the children; it is great fun to see that garden sprout produce...and angels.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry about the 'maters. They are a summertime favorite. The rest of the garden looks beautiful. The Little Sprouts section is especially inviting.
