Thursday, January 14, 2010

Wednesday Night, Jan. 13, 2010

Wed. night started off as usual, with our boy/girl prayer challenge. Scott stepped up to the plate and represented the girls, but the boys won, thanks to Garrett's master rock, paper, scissor skills. So, the boys lined up to eat first. There was 34 people served for dinner, with 20 of them being a part of the youth group. Barbara made Gerson's favorite.... homemade mac-n-cheese. After dinner and fellowship, we migrated to the sanctuary to spend some time worshipping God. We have been doing the same songs for 4 weeks now, so the kids can get used to the songs. We sang, "Saved by Grace", "Awesome God", "You are Mighty", and Scott did a solo called "Grace and Love" by Kutless. Garrett and Eddie ran sound, and we took up an offering of $12.25 for our sponsored child James in Haiti. Scott taught a lesson on spiritual warfare. We learned how Jesus has authority over health, weather, death, and demons, by reading scripture out of Matthew. We had an object lesson/game planned, but God had other plans. He wanted us to hear what the Spirit said. As we went into prayer, there were several kids who came forward to pray and receive prayer.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a great service. Must be the Holy Spirit at work.
