Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Ministry Opportunities

Ministry Opportunities in and Through First Christian Church

Discipleship Ministry Team - Barbara Hale

Sunday School Teachers:

Elementary age children’s class- volunteers needed on a rotating basis
Middle School and High School Youth Class- substitute teacher needed

Adult Bible Study Class- substitutes needed.

Adult topical studies are sometimes offered. Anyone interested in leading a class, or helping with existing classes, talk with Barbara.
Adult Bible Study

Adult Bible study on Sunday evenings – overview of the Bible. If interested in helping write a simplified curriculum, talk with John Turner.

Nursery Volunteers:

Our nursery is available for infants and preschool children during worship services. Volunteers are scheduled every Sunday and also for special services. See Linda West

Vacation Bible School:

VBS is offered for children in our community in partnership with the Berryville Alliance of Churches. Our church is hosting VBS in 2009. Teachers, providers of refreshments, crafts leaders, etc. are needed

Christian Youth Fellowship: (meets on Wednesday nights)

Team teachers needed for the elementary children’s class. Volunteers needed to provide meals for youth and adult workers. Volunteers needed to help our Youth Leaders with activities and outings

The 9 Ways” Spiritual Growth Emphasis

Anyone with ideas for encouraging ongoing spiritual growth, talk with Barbara.

A class on “Christian Basics” for new Christians is needed

Evangelism and Compassion Ministry Team – Susan Krotz and Elaine West

Worship Guest Welcome Baskets:

When someone visits our church, we try to deliver a welcome basket. Volunteers are needed to make the deliveries. See Elaine.

Angel Tree Christmas Ministry

The church provides Christmas for a needy family. A coordinator for this project is needed.

Earth Care

What are your ideas for helping the church as we “go green”? Volunteers needed to implement a plan for native plant landscaping around the church. See Susan Krotz

Church recycling - Fred West is in charge. Let Fred know if you want to help. Christian Youth Fellowship recycles aluminum for a fundraiser.

Volunteers needed to pick up large items for recycling. Talk to Scott or Amanda Frame.

Community Garden – see Kari Keever
Community Harvest Dinner

Scheduled for fall 2009. Volunteers needed for cooking, decorating, handling tickets, setting up tables, and much more. See Susan Krotz

Loaves and Fishes Food Bank

Our church provides the volunteers to run the Food Bank on Fridays. See Loretta Tanner.

Community Outreach Ministries:

Any ideas for how we can make the love of God real for people in our community are welcome.

Anyone interested in heading up a group to build a Habitat for Humanity house? Talk with Judy Turner about your ideas.

Mission Trip

Preliminary discussion of a mission trip in 2010. Let Judy Turner know if you are interested.

Worship Ministry Team – Allawayne Carr


Singers and instrumentalists always needed to provide special music for woship services. See David Bell.

Worship Arts

Decorating the church for special services and special seasons; Using the visual arts and drama to help communicate worship themes. See Jennifer Hudspeth and Kamela Carr

Friendship and Hospitality Team – Mary Ann and David Bell

Sunday Fellowship Refreshments – Cakes needed once a month. See Mary Ann Bell

Church Picnic - Volunteers needed in May to grill burgers, set up, clean up

Funeral Dinners – Dinners are provided at the church for members who lose a loved one. Volunteers are needed to bring food and help set up, serve, and clean up. A volunteer coordinator is needed. See Joann Carr.

Care Ministries - Volunteers needed to send cards or make phone calls to homebound members and members who are missing in worship services and who we miss - Talk with Judy Turner

Facilities Committee – Robert West
Church Building Maintenance Volunteers needed

Grounds Maintenance Volunteers needed

Filling the Baptistry Volunteers needed

Finance Committee – Shirley Porter

Annual Budget Preparation: if interested, talk with Shirley
Teaching and Promoting Financial Stewardship: Volunteers are needed for this important ministry. See John Turner



Susan Krotz regularly sends press releases. Anyone interested in writing stories and taking pictures at our church events?

Church Newsletter

At this time, there is no church newsletter. Volunteers are needed to write articles, format the newsletter, produce it, send it electronically or mail it. See Judy Turner

Church Website

There is a church website, but volunteers are needed to update and maintain the website. See Dave Buttgen

Church Fellowship Directory

Volunteers are needed to take photos of new members and provide updated information for the Fellowship Directory. See Shelley Buttgen
Bulletin Boards

Volunteers are needed to develop a plan for attractive, informative bulletin boards in the fellowship hall. Someone needs to be the “point person” to implement the plan and keep the bulletin boards updated.


Church Yard Sale: Someone needed to head up the project. See Barbara Hale

Fireworks Stand :Volunteers will be needed to help set up, take down, and run the stand, if the church decides to undertake this project this summer.

Church Handyman Service

The idea is that teams of people from the church are available to help people with their home and grounds improvement projects, such as painting, repairs, landscaping (starting within the congregation). The people served will pay for the materials and also make a donation to the church for this service. Needed: someone to head up this project. See John Turner

Women’s Ministries

Joy Group

Volunteers needed monthly to host the group in their homes

See Louise Rusterholz

Men’s Ministries

At this time there is no active men’s group. Anyone interested in starting and leading a men’s group, talk with Don Rusterholz.


  1. Dan,

    Great idea! Especially, using the kids for design ideas. It will allow the design task force a chance to be less stress driven to finish a web design that might not be in the church's best interests.


  2. Dan,

    This is a great idea, thanks for all of your hard work on this, and helping coordinate the garden project!

