It is Time to Plant!
Don't be fooled by all that white stuff laying around. It is time to plant lettuce, spinach, snow peas, and potatoes. Yankees up North always put their spuds in the ground on Saint Patrick's Day (March 17th) but lucky us here in the balmy South can plant any time after the 1st of February--and we're fixing to do that as soon as this weekend. Lettuce, spinach, and snow peas will also get put into the ground and, with a little bit of luck, we'll have fresh, home-grown salad by April Fool's Day.
Sign Up Now!
You can have a spot in the Community Garden and start raising fresh, wholesome food for yourself, and your family. Really. No kidding! We've reserved a garden row just for you. Now you can:
- Save money--as much as $600!
- Improve your health!
- Associate with High Class Folks (gardeners!)
- Lose Weight!
- Beautify Berryville!
- Feel Useful!
- Avoid entrapment by the Evil Retail Giant!
- Be the envy of your neighbors!
- Sell what you grow at the Berryville Farmer's Market
- Bore the pants off folks with stories about Squash Beetles!
Dan, any Sunday, or call: 870 423-1894
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