The eight foot soon to be harvest table above is made of recycled lumber donated by Scott and Amanda Frame. When completed, it will go into our Community Garden and along with matching benches will provide a place for gardeners to meet, to clean vegetables and flowers, or to share a meal. Next steps in the process are sanding, painting, and waxing so that it holds up against our Arkansas weather.

Before the table was a table it was the pile of scrap seen above. And, before it was a pile of scrap, it was a playhouse at the Frame home near Green Forest. Recycling isn't just trendy or a snob activity: it is frugal, wise use of resources, and respectful of both money and the talents of the maker. By summers end we hope to have a grape arbor up, a shady area for gardeners to sit a spell, and a few Adirondack chairs for folks who want to read or sip a libation (no tales told) next to the zinnias.
The table should be finished before services next Sunday. Come out and admire it! And, if you have scrape lumber laying about--we can put it to good use.
Many thanks to Amanda and Scott for their generosity.
Oh Yay!!! I can't wait to sit with the little darlings and sort the produce we harvest for loaves and fishes and members of the church! They are so excited to be a part of our garden! Hopefully on Wednesday we will get more cucumbers planted, green beans and our EXTRA LARGE pumpkins and watermelons! We love FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH IN BERRYVILLE!!!!! ~Jill~
ReplyDeleteI like it that we are using what we have. This is what we did in the old days we used everything waste not want not.