Ready to Plant!
Thanks to Bill Hudspeth, mulch was delivered to the First Christian Church Community Garden this week. Kari Keever supervised a crew of willing labor and the mulch was laid quickly between planting rows. The garden is approximately 40 feet by 60 feet and 9 individual plots are ready for planting.
Please Donate Plants
A planting party is in the planning stages and may happen as early as Wednesday, April 15th. If you are able to donate bedding plants they will be gratefully accepted. You can drop them off at the back of the church, or at Sow's Ear on the Square.
A major objective of the garden's planners has been to assure that the garden is visually interesting and beautiful. That's why the garden will have about a 50-50 ratio of flowers and vegetables. This summer, we hope to build or buy a few garden benches, a potting table and produce washing stand, and maybe some garden statuary.
Equipment and supplies needed include garden hoses, 4x4 or 6x6 treated lumber, hog wire for tomato cages, produce baskets, and volunteers to teach canning, help plan for entering the Farmers' Market, or for setting up a Church Market to make produce available to members after Sunday Services.
wow! The garden is really shaping up! Kari is doing a great job of seeing that everything is getting done. Thank you, everyone!