Snow peas are reaching their peak--and will be gone in a couple of weeks.
The Community Development Ministry's activities during the month of may have focused on three main areas: 1) preparing the community gardens for planting; 2) planning events of mutual interest with the Carroll County Literacy Council, and; 3) volunteering at Loaves and Fishes.
Community Gardens: The Community Garden and Little Sprouts garden have been fully planted and are to produce spring vegetables in abundance. If you want onions or lettuce please help yourself. These are located in the bed just left of the snow pea trellis--which are also available for picking. Again--just help yourself: the community garden is YOUR garden.
Tomato plants are about to flower--as are squash and bean plants; it will be several weeks before we see any fruit but so good. Our apple trees tipped over in the heavy rain of 10 days ago and have been staked up--but the leaves are covered with apple rust and we'll have to do some spraying. The blueberry shrubs look pathetic despite heroic and expensive medical and pharmaceutical interventions. If they don't turn around by fall we'll take them out and replant them somewhere else.
You are invited to weed--lucky you--and if you have an interest in gardening we're happy to help you fulfill that ambition. But in the mean time, and without an obligation of any kind, please visit the garden and pick of the fruit.
Literacy Center staff provides computer training for local farmers.
Community Education: The Carroll County Literacy Council has expressed a strong interest in collaborating with FCC on a number of initiatives including providing tutoring for our youth, sharing human and other resources for financial literacy training, and providing computer skills training and refresher courses for older adults who are stalled on the information highway. Contact Susan for more information.
Queen Ann's Lace in a sunny spot near His House
Loaves & Fishes: More and more Carroll County families are needing to rely on the food shelves to meet basic needs. Consequently, volunteers are really busy and have been pushed to the limits. Our volunteers are cheerful, loyal, reliable, and resolute--but they could use some help. If you have a couple of hours a week or a month to help out, please contact Elaine for more information.
That's it for May. We look forward to a busy and rewarding June. And lest we forget: THANK YOU for everything you do.