The Community Development Ministry (CDM) is responsible for creating relationships between First Christian Church and the Carroll County non-profit and philanthropic communities. The CDM also brings the message of Jesus Christ to the greater community through good works and by being an effective partner to people and organizations providing services to adults and children living in our area.
So far in January this year, the CDM is preparing the Church Annex for leasing to non-profit or charitable organizations that provide services that are consistent with our mission of 'Building a Community of Hope.' Preparation has involved showing the property to prospective tenants, and assessing the space for improvements that will make it more useful as office, counseling, and meeting space.
You may notice that an old scrub cedar bush has been removed from the front of the building. Thanks to Robert West, the largely unattractive bush was cut down and hauled away in a most expeditious fashion. Mr. West certainly knows his way around a chain saw!
Help needed:
The space formerly occupied by the old cedar bush--and all the space along the front entrance of the Annex--is crying out for a half dozen or so ornamental shrubs to dress up the exterior of the building. If you are interested in donating some appropriate plants for the Annex we will be grateful!
A door must also be installed in the Annex to provide locomotion to and from rooms. Currently, the pass through is only through a bathroom which may not be acceptable to prospective tennants. If you can supervise the carpentry work required to put such a door in please let Dan Krotz know pretty soon.
If you, or someone you know needs space for the purposes described above, please have them contact us. We'd love to work with them!
Loaves and Fishes:
FCC's Loaves and Fishes volunteers have been very busy every Friday from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM managing the distribution of food and other items to folks who find themselves in the midst of hard times. Please join us in thanking Don & Louise Rusterholz, Robert & Elaine West, Joanne Carr, and Shirley Porter, and all our volunteers, for their faithful service. If you would like to volunteer at Loaves and Fishes please contact Elaine West.
Community Garden:
Now that the worst (we hope!) of winter's weather is behind us you will see Bill & Jennifer Hudspeth preparing the garden for the 2011 gardening year. Bill will be doing the dirt work to prepare the new Children's Garden space while Jennifer helps the other gardeners organize how the garden space will be used this year.
If you are interested in having space in the Community Garden we would love to have you joing us. Gardening is an excellent form of exercise, you can grow up to as much as $600 a year in fresh food for your family, and you will enjoy the companionship of your fellow gardeners. Please contact dan if you would like more information.
That's the January report for the Community Development Ministry. We are blessed to have this work to do and we are grateful to you, and all members of First Christian Church, for allowing us to do it. Thank you!