As usual, we had our rock, paper, scissors to see if the boys or girls were going to pray over the meal.
There is one person from each group to represent. Whoever wins rock, paper, scissors prays for the meal, and that group gets to get their food first. We are slowly seeing more kids stepping out in faith and taking the prayer challenge. Even if they don't win the rock papers scissors, they are still willing to pray.
Barbara prepared the nice yummy warm chilly, which was perfect on such a cold night.
We had 4 letters that were written to James, the boy from Haiti the youth is sponsoring. An offering was taken up for him. $7.00. Shannon suggested we put some things together to send for Christmas, such as crayons, coloring books, etc.
Last night was supposed to be our worship service, but that has been postponed till next week. We had 2 options for the kids, those that wanted to take the Spiritual Gifts Survey stayed in the youth room, and those that didn't, went to the sanctuary with Scott for a lesson on "Submitting to Authority."
This is the second lesson in a series on Spiritual Warfare. This may seem like an intimidating subject that a lot of people would rather not discuss, but lets face it..... the devil is real, and he's real mad. These kids are slowly trying to follow Christ, and sure enough, the devil is at the door trying to stop them. We have been in prayer, and believe the best way to help equip them for this type of battle, is to give them the knowledge, tools, and resources through the Word of God. This was only the second lesson in this series, but it seems they are very understanding and want to learn more. From the lesson last week, one youth said last night.... "Knowing that we really aren't at war to see which side wins or loses makes it easier. The devil loses in the end, the goal is to stay straight." That is something we discussed last week, and it is so encouraging to hear them still talking about it. And it's very true, God gave us the ending of the "story", the devil loses, he just wants to take everybody with him that he can. Those of that have accepted Christ as Lord and Savior, need to keep focused on Him, and spread the word. If we can be contagious for Christ and infect others, there's that many more, God can pluck from the enemy's grasp. PRAISE GOD!!!!
We had many prayer requests, and lifted those up to God.
We ask that all of you be in continual prayer for these kids as they are on their walk. Thank you all for your love, support, and prayers.
Amanda and Scott
These are notes on Wednesday’s Youth Lesson
Permission to photocopy this Bible study from CoreTruth™ granted for local church use.
Copyright © 2008 Group Publishing, Inc. Loveland, CO. You’ll need Bibles, paper, newsprint, tape, and pens. Create
and photocopy a list of Army ranks, scrambled out of order (see
page 9 for the correct order). Also make photocopies of the
Richard Foster quote on page 9.
Have teenagers form small groups, and pass out copies of
the scrambled list of army ranks. Challenge groups to work
together to put them in the correct chain of command, from top
to bottom.
When everyone’s finished, have teams share their guesses.
Then reveal the right answers, found on “The Army Ranks”
handout (p. 9). Ask: Why is this chain of command important
in the Army? In what other areas of life are authority
positions necessary? Why?
Say something like: Today we’re going to look at society’s
“chain of command” and how Christians should relate to
authority figures.
Read aloud Romans 13:1-7, and then ask: Does this passage
mean we won’t be persecuted if we simply obey the
government? Explain. What situations and behaviors do you
think are included in submission to governing authorities?
What things are not included?
Hang up two sheets of newsprint and list kids’ ideas about
situations that are included on one sheet and scenarios that
aren’t included on the other.
Say something like: These instructions about relating to the
government and paying taxes seem out of place here in the
middle of Romans. Why does this even matter? Let’s look
more closely to get at Paul’s main point.
Assign one-third of the teenagers Romans 12:1-8, one-third
Romans 12:9-21, and the remaining third Romans 13:8-14.
Prompt these three groups to read their passages and discuss:
Submitting to Authorities
Lesson 2 – CoreTruth™
Authority • Lesson 2
Permission to photocopy this Bible study from CoreTruth™ granted for local church use.
Copyright © 2008 Group Publishing, Inc. Loveland, CO. would you summarize this passage? What is the main
verse? How does the passage influence the way you read
Romans 13:1-7?
When they’re finished, invite a spokesperson from each group
to present their findings to everyone else.
Ask: What do you think a Christian’s main motivation for
submitting to government authorities should be?
Affirm students’ answers and draw their attention to Paul’s
emphasis on loving others in Romans 12:9, 12:16, 12:20, and
13:8. Say something like: Paul’s point is that Christians are to
be good citizens, displaying patience, love, and submission to
authorities for the sake of the gospel. His instructions here
are remarkable when we consider how the government of
Rome was treating Christians.
Explain that Nero, the Roman Emperor, had already been
persecuting Christians for several years before Paul wrote this
letter. Nero committed horrible acts against Christians, such
as having them torn apart by wild dogs or setting them on fire
to serve as lamps for his parties. Paul himself was going to be
imprisoned twice for his faith and was eventually put to death
by Nero’s government.
Prompt teenagers to revise the two newsprint lists any way
they’d like in light of their study of the scriptural and historical
Then have teenagers re-form their original small groups, and
pass out copies of the “Quote by Richard Foster” handout
(p. 9). Ask: How do Foster’s comments on submission relate
to Romans 13:1-7? How was Jesus’ life an example of
the principles Paul explains? How can submitting to the
government be a way of showing love to others? Who is
above you in your life’s “chain of command”?
Direct small groups to brainstorm 10 practical ways
teenagers can practice submission in their personal and civic
lives. Challenge them to focus on situations in which their
behavior might cause others to be intrigued by their faith.
Prompt teenagers to each share one specific idea that they’ll
put into practice this week and then pray for each other.
Authority • Lesson 2
Permission to photocopy this Bible study from CoreTruth™ granted for local church use.
Copyright © 2008 Group Publishing, Inc. Loveland, CO. • Lesson 2
The correct order (from top to bottom) is
“Power is discovered in submission... [Jesus] called into
being a whole new order of leadership. The cross-life of
Jesus undermined all social orders based on power and
—Richard Foster, from Celebration of Discipline.